Crystal Vision Center is a highly-rated eye care center located in College Station, Texas. Their optometrists are state-licensed to examine, diagnose and treat diseases, injuries and disorders of the visual system, the eye and related structures and to identify and manage systemic conditions affecting the eyes. They offer a comprehensive range of services, from routine annual eye exams and pediatric eye care to the diagnosis and treatment of complex, vision-threatening disorders.
This practice is affiliated with many insurances and offers a wide variety of services. This facility is by appointment only.
The NPI number for this clinic is 0529227. The NPI stands for National Provider Identifier, and it is a unique 10-digit identification number that distinguishes one health care provider from another. It is assigned by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. This clinic has 1 physician who specializes in Optometry.
Dr. Eric Baas grew up in Chicago and graduated with honors from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He went on to complete his doctorate degree at the Illinois College of Optometry. During his externships, he worked extensively in primary and ocular disease management as well as co-management of pre and post-operative ophthalmic crystal vision center eye doctor College Station surgery. He is a board-certified ophthalmologist and an adjunct faculty member at the Illinois College of Optometry. He is also the owner and operator of Union Eyes in Chicago, a large independent private practice. He enjoys physical fitness, supporting the Wisconsin Badgers and Chicago Bears, and hanging out with his Boston terrier Snoop.
Dr. Megan White is an alumna of both the University of Texas at Austin and the University of Houston College of Optometry. She has a Bachelors of Science in Biology and a minor in Theatre & Dance. She was a member of the Gold Key International Optometric Honor Society and has extensive experience in ocular disease, primary care, and pediatrics. In her spare time, she enjoys tacos, dancing, and theatre as well as her longhorn cougar-husband Cameron and blue-heeler Korra.